2014年1月7日 星期二



6 則留言:

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恭喜! 你很快可以買樓了!
為了慳錢供樓和供一家人的保險,平日只能打書釘的我,昨天也大破慳囊買了你的第二版! 坐在咖啡室、地鐵內邊看邊笑,旁人差點以為我有神經病呢!

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楊醫生我也購了你的第二版,書很實用,醫生從心出發,我開了眼界. 希望醫生你可以繼續一邊寫書,一邊看病賺錢,寫多O的,賺多O的!

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楊醫生我也購了你的第二版,書很實用,醫生從心出發,我開了眼界. 希望醫生你可以繼續一邊寫書,一邊看病賺錢,寫多O的,賺多O的!

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楊醫生我也購了你的第二版,書很實用,醫生從心出發,我開了眼界. 希望醫生你可以繼續一邊寫書,一邊看病賺錢,寫多O的,賺多O的!

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Dear Dr. Yeung,
Thanks a lot for your book. It is really useful. I am planning to buy an additional medical insurance and would like to seek for your advice on the coverage for organ transplant. Some insurance companies provide benefit of 10M/year for the transplant operation, and also cover that for the doner ($500K). While some other companies only cover $500K/year and does not cover the doner's operation. I heard that in Hong Kong most of the organ transplant operations take place at the government hospitals (instead of private hospitals) so i don't know how should we consider such medical insurance plans.
How much should we be insured for this? any average costs for organ transplant operations, and should we also get insurance for the doner's operation?

Some patients in HK can't wait for the donation organs and have to have their operations in China or overseas, how much should we be insured?

On the other hand there are medical insurance companies which do not have dedicated sales person, you just buy their plans through telephone. Will it be very difficult to get any medical claims processed or will we be facing a lot of difficulties through the claims process?

Thanks a lot for your advice.